Learning at YIS
Learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills leading to the development of understandings and dispositions
Inquiry is at the core of learning at YIS and extends well beyond classroom activities. Students connect what they learn inside the classroom to what they do outside school by exploring questions that arise from their curiosity, interests and passions.
Our academic programs, centering on the International Baccalaureate (IB), are enriched by field trips and expeditions to provide scope, challenge and a connection to the local community and natural environment, by a comprehensive service program in which all our students have opportunities to address local, regional and global community needs, and by a variety of sports, clubs and activities throughout the year that foster teamwork, leadership and well-being. Access to a range of devices enhances and extends students’ learning as they develop skills to create, choose and critically use technology.
Learning through inquiry extends to the development of staff as well. With regular access to in-house and regional professional and personal learning opportunities, staff grow together to improve student learning. Parents also enjoy a broad range of classes, workshops and events organized by the PTSA.
Our IB Academic Programs
YIS is an IB Continuum School, offering the three main academic programs of the International Baccalaureate
and the unique benefits of an inquiry-centered, transdisciplinary and skills-focused learning continuum
from early years through high school.
The IB learner profile, embedded in all learning programs at YIS, represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools that develop internationally minded people who help to create a better and more peaceful world.
Academic Performance
We pride ourselves on offering a well-balanced education with opportunities for students to excel in many different areas. Academics are of course a priority for our students, and their hard work and talents are demonstrated through a variety of assessments, including external examinations. Read about our assessment policy.
View Our External Exam Results