
Yokohama is home to a range of hotels to suit every budget. Below is a list of some hotels within an easy commute to the school.

Please note that the hotels mentioned have not been vetted by us and we have no affiliation with them. We therefore recommend checking reviews on independent websites and conducting your own research before booking.

Hotel Name Approximate Travel Time to YIS
Oakwood Suites Yokohama
(Service Apartment) 
30 minute bus ride to YIS
Hotel New Grand  20 minute bus ride to YIS 
Rose Hotel Yokohama 25 minute bus ride to YIS
Westin Hotel Yokohama  40 minute bus ride to YIS 
Richmond Bashamichi 30 minute bus ride to YIS
JAL City Kannai 25 minute bus ride to YIS
Yokohama Royal Park Hotel 35 minute bus ride to YIS
Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu 40 minute bus ride to YIS
Intercontinental Yokohama Grande (Pacifico) 45 minute bus ride to YIS