School Store

Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8:00 - 11:00 am

Located adjacent to the Community Room and cafeteria, the Dragon's Den offers a wide array of YIS-branded goods from PE uniforms, sweatshirts and caps to specialized calculators for math courses, backpacks, key chains and pens. Memorabilia of the Yamate-cho campus is also available. We also carry a selection of Sayonara dolls and a Sayonara book for those who want to say goodbye to friends in a traditional Japanese manner.

The School Store re-uses paper bags instead of purchasing new ones as it helps our environment and also helps to keep items at a low price. Yokohama tote bags are also available for ¥1,000 along with a waterproof YIS eco bag for ¥1,600.