Embracing the Power of Play: Building Connections and Creativity

Embracing the Power of Play: Building Connections and Creativity

by Esther Butland, ELC Co-Lead Teacher 

When was the last time you played? 

I’m serious, when was the last time you played?

Like, really played, just for you?

Maybe you played football, maybe a board game with friends, or perhaps you played with your dog? The where, how or what is not important. It is just important that you play.

“The drive to play is as fundamental as our drives for food and sleep.” Dr Stuart Brown, the founder of the National Institute for Play.

Most people believe that play is only for children, that somehow we outgrow play. However, research shows us that all humans have a biological drive to play. Whether you are a newborn or 100 years old, we are all designed to be playmakers. Play enhances our mental health and wellbeing. When we embrace play, we are empowered as human beings. 

Elementary kids exploring "play" in various games during P.E Celebration Day

Let’s play a game now…True or False

  • When children play, they worry less.
  • Play helps adults communicate better.
  • Peer violence in schools in Pakistan was reduced by 25% in schools with Right To Play programs.
  • Play gives people control over their own lives.
  • In Tanzania, 59% of girls in play-based programs believe they can say no to unwanted sex after 18 months of playing vs. just 13% before.
  • Play is a fundamental right; it builds resilience, instils confidence and helps children develop.
  • In Uganda, 91% of children in play programs know how to prevent transmission of HIV vs. 50% of children not in the program. 
  • The UN International Day of Play is June 11th.

Staff & Students discovering that it is never too late to play in a sandbox

If you answered ‘true’ to all of the above, congratulations, you’re a winner! Play is changing the lives of people all over the world and right here at YIS.

Over the past few years at YIS, we have been embracing the power of play. From the ELC all the way through to Grade 12, students are given the opportunity to play around with concepts, ideas and understanding. Socially connecting through play promotes creativity and innovation for all our students. But what about everyone else in our community?

Last year, we launched ‘PLAY!’, an adult-centred play experience designed to reconnect our community to their inner play personalities. Our first event centred around cardboard and saw countless boxes transformed into clothing, chairs and sculptures. Later in the year, ‘PLAY! Paper’ challenged people’s perception of paper from something plain and simple to a play possibility that ignited conversations, connections and creativity. These events were spaces charged with learning, laughter and fun. Don’t just take my word for it though, here’s what others said:

“PLAY! was an absolutely fantastic experience for all the adults in our community. This unique event provided a fun opportunity for everyone to come together and enjoy some quality playtime.” Secondary School Parent

“The PLAY! events were a nice reminder that play can take any shape and form. I loved playing and creating with others from school and the parent community.” Secondary School Teacher

“What an incredible opportunity to bring the community together in YIS. It was so wonderful to see parents and teachers playing and learning together.” Elementary School Teacher

“I spend each day observing and documenting children's play, but immersing myself in my own play experience felt completely different. It was fascinating to get a different perspective on play, and I discovered so much about myself as a learner and an educator!” ELC Teacher

Celebrating play with a water balloon fight on a hot summer day with both the Staff and Students


So, how can we play together this year? Well… drumroll please….introducing:


PLAY! Lego

Thursday 26th September from 4.30 until 7.30

First-floor Elementary HUB space

Drop by whenever you can, and stay as long as you like.


This experience is open to all adults in the school community - parents, cleaners, caregivers, teachers - everyone is welcome. Come on everyone, LET’S PLAY!!!

Elementary students expressing their imagination through various Lego creations

Find out more about play here:

UN International Day of Play www.internationaldayofplay.org

Right to Play www.righttoplay.com

LEGO Foundation www.learningthroughplay.com

National Institute for Play https://nifplay.org/