Specialist Teachers

Specialist Teachers
ELC Students in Music Class

Music and Physical Education are an integral part of the play-based learning in the ELC. Our single subject teachers work collaboratively with ELC teachers to help students make connections with the concepts they are learning in units of inquiry.  

Physical Education classes are more than just student participation in sports and games. Students develop a combination of transferable skills promoting physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. They are encouraged to make present and future choices that contribute to long-term healthy living; and to understand the cultural significance of physical activities for individuals and communities. Students are given specific opportunities for learning about movement and through movement in a range of contexts.

In Music lessons, students are given opportunities to discover a broad range of music experiences in creating and responding through singing, playing instruments, listening and composing. Music is both an active and reflective process when making and listening to it. Students draw on a wide range of sources in their music learning from their own imaginations to real-life experiences and music composed by themselves and others.