


The Grades 6 - 10 Drama courses follow the Middle Years Programme and are designed for students to:

  • enjoy engagement with performance arts 
  • develop the skills necessary to create and perform drama and movement
  • reflect on their own development as performing artists 
  • explore the performing arts across time, cultures and contexts
  • understand the relationship between performance art forms and its contexts

Grade 6
Students begin to explore the concept of ‘Identity’ through the exploration of our individual voice and the choices we make to create stories. They investigate a variety of acting techniques and improvisation games, and inquire into the form and structure of an improvised scene. They also explore the concept of ‘Aesthetics’ within the context of Personal and Cultural Expression.  Students research external characters and create a presentation in a genre they are interested in. They have the opportunity for creative design and exploration of symbol and story throughout this unit.

Grade 7
Students explore the concept of change through the exploration of filmmakers and their role in adapting scripts to a short film. They develop their understanding of interpretation, and purpose as they inquire into the different perspectives of filmmaking. There is an opportunity to create a short film and explore the dramatic elements of mood, tension and character. With the concept of communication and how to share a theme or message with an audience being a key component of the course, students design a theatre piece that expresses the commonalities and differences across a variety of individual stories. This will be a multimedia dramatic presentation using monologues, quotes, poetry, props, images and sound. 

Grade 8
Learning in Grade 8 focuses on characterization, comedy, devising new theatre and basic staging. Units include the use of costumes, props, language and stage space as a focus. There is an opportunity to create and develop a devised scene based on the skills developed through the course.