


Middle School Student

Nationality: Dutch and Japanese

How long have you been at YIS?

I have been at YIS for two years.

What do you like about learning here at YIS?

I love that YIS helps prepare us for life when we're older and gives us the opportunity to be in the Student Council. I also like that instead of learning everything from books, we have the chance to go outside and learn from experience by going on field trips.  The possibilities seem endless when it comes to what we can do in our classes as well. During my design unit, 'Designing Your Own Café', I was allowed to make my own merchandise including printing my own t-shirt with a logo I designed. I also had access to all kinds of tools to make packaging for my product. I love that learning is always fun at YIS. 

What sports or activities outside of class are you involved with, and why do you like them?

I play volleyball and I also take part in the Drama Club. I love volleyball because it helps me connect with so many people throughout middle school. I enjoy drama because when I am acting, I truly feel myself. It gives me a chance to step into someone else's shoes, and all my worries about friends and school work melt away.

What do you like to do for fun outside of school?

I really enjoy crafting, especially crocheting little animals to decorate my room. 

What are two things you would miss if you left YIS?

I would miss the freedom and independence that you get at YIS.

What is your relationship with your teachers like here at YIS?

Many teachers at YIS are very kind and understanding so I always feel comfortable talking to them. Whenever there are problems the teachers take care of them very quickly and efficiently. I feel very safe and comfortable at YIS because I am surrounded with adults that I can trust.

Which teacher would you like to trade places with, and why?

I would trade places with Ms. Winslade, my Science teacher from last year. She is very funny, intelligent and liked by all of her students. 

What is your favorite YIS event of the school year?

I love the Food Fair because we can taste lots of food from around the world while having fun taking part in activities set up in the gym.

What is your favorite space on campus?

My favorite space would be the gym as I have made lots of memories there. It’s where I first discovered volleyball which is now my favorite sport. Another place would be the auditorium where I made my debut on stage and sang solo during The Little Mermaid Jr. performance.

How have you changed since being at YIS?

I am more independent and I have started to see that studying doesn’t have to be forced and boring. Learning can be full of laughter and enjoyment.

What do you think makes YIS a special place to learn?

YIS has so many comfortable spaces whether it be inside the classroom, in the hub or elswhere on campus. It’s a school full of diversity with people from all around the world. YIS isn't just a school, it's a community of people all joined together to make a difference in the world.