AI in the Classroom

On December 4th, we hosted a parent workshop to share with parents and the YIS community our perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and its role in education. We discussed how, just as with every new technology, its adoption requires thoughtful choices at every step. We believe that to best prepare students for a world shaped by AI we must begin engaging with it as a community in safe, ethical, and responsible ways.

We have developed an AI Policy and AI Guidance documents to support and guide students and staff in their use of AI. These documents, which are shared below, outline our guiding principles and inform how we use AI as adults, while also teaching students to become critical, thoughtful users of AI. We acknowledge that adopting new technology and navigating the changes it brings can be challenging. However, we believe it is essential to approach these challenges proactively by learning about AI, understanding how it works, critically evaluating its usefulness and limitations, and considering its potential impact on the world.

Our AI Policy provides clear guidance for community members, including students, staff, leaders, and parents, regarding their roles and responsibilities when learning about and using AI. The AI Guidance document offers practical examples of AI tools, guidelines for responsible use by staff and students, and reminders about key considerations such as bias, data privacy, and environmental impacts. Additionally, our academic integrity policy has been updated to reflect the ways AI has influenced learning, assessment, and copyright.

We encourage you to explore these documents in detail, as our staff have done, and as our students will do in the new year. While there are more questions than answers about how AI will shape education and society, we are committed to working together to address these uncertainties.Our aim is to empower our students to navigate and thrive in a world increasingly influenced by Artificial Intelligence.



Academic Honesty Policy & Guidelines: Upholding Integrity in Education

This policy establishes clear expectations for students, teachers, and parents regarding academic integrity at YIS. It defines key concepts like plagiarism and collusion, explains the responsible use of AI, and provides strategies to help students maintain academic honesty. By fostering principled behavior and a commitment to authentic learning, this policy ensures a culture of trust and respect in our educational community.


Understanding Our AI Policy: A Framework for Responsible and Ethical AI Engagement

This document provides clear guidelines for students, staff, leaders, and parents on the responsible use of AI, developing critical thinking, ethical practices, and AI literacy. We encourage you to explore how we aim to empower our students to navigate the opportunities and challenges of AI in a safe, thoughtful, and intentional manner.


AI Guidance for Students and Teachers: Navigating AI Responsibly

This document is a practical resource and provides clear expectations, ethical guidelines, and effective practices for students and teachers, including strategies for assessment, privacy considerations, and critical evaluation of AI tools. 







Parents testing out FLINT and NotebookLM, two AI tools we have been trialing at YIS.

During the workshop, we collected questions from our parent community regarding AI use at YIS. These questions covered a wide range of topics, which we have organized into categories to address them comprehensively. You can find our responses below. While we aim to provide thoughtful answers, the reality is that AI is an ever-evolving field, and we are learning and adapting alongside the rest of the world as it rapidly changes.