Our Mission

Live Learn Lead
hikers in rain

We Live well by challenging ourselves, caring for others and valuing our international community.

students on stage performing

We Learn with passion and creativity, broadening our horizons and growing together

student in bee suits

We Lead by taking action and empowering each other to build a caring community and make a difference

Meet Our Community

Student Leadership Retreat

In line with our mission of Live, Learn, Lead, at YIS we believe leadership can be learned. What is leadership, and what are the practices that make someone a good leader?

Expeditions at YIS

Adventurous wilderness expeditions create authentic opportunities for students to experience challenges and develop knowledge, skills and conceptual understandings that transfer to school, community and family life.

Learning at YIS

Learning changes our thinking and behaviors, enabling us to acquire skills, knowledge and attitudes while providing a catalyst for creativity, critical thinking and independent reasoning.